Who Are We?

The Brandywine Hundred Library, grew out of the need to replace the small and aging Concord Pike Library, which had opened in 1959 as the New Castle County Free Library headquarters,

Its current building opened in 2003 to provide space for new collections and programs to serve its community’s needs.

The Friends of the Brandywine Hundred Library plays an important role for the library by providing material support to enhance the library’s ability to serve its patrons.

As stated in our Bylaws, the purpose of the Friends of the Brandywine Hundred Library (FBHL) “shall be to promote knowledge of the function, resources, services, plans, and needs of the library; to stimulate public support and cooperation with the library in developing library services and facilities; to increase the value of the library to the community served”.

The membership of FBHL is open to all individuals and organizations. Each individual and organization in Good Standing shall be entitled to one vote at the Annual Meeting or at special meetings..

To clarify its support for good library practices in our community, the Friends’ board voted to endorse the Library Bill of Rights on May 9, 2006.

The Library Bill of Rights was originally adopted by the American Library Association’s Council on June 19, 1939 and has been revised several times since to reflect mainstream library values.

The Friends’ board holds an open meeting in the library on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. As the date occasionally changes, please check the Events listing or email us at board@bhlfriends.org..

During these meetings, board members review their prior activities for supporting the library and discuss plans and proposals for continuing this work.

Brandywine Hundred Library patrons and members of the Friends of the Brandywine Hundred Library are welcome to attend and even contribute their positive ideas and observations..

What we do :

Provide supplemental funds which allow the to enhance its resources and programs which it otherwise could not afford such as:

Additional books, including large-print books

Additional dvd’s

Instructional programs in many areas for patrons of all ages

Summer reading programs and prizes

Author presentations, discussions, and book signings

Landscaping beautification and maintenance projects

Keep our members informed and engaged with the library

Educate the community about library concerns

… and much more

Maintain a Friends’ website with its newsletter and other resources

Advocate for the library with local and state officials

Keep our members informed and engaged with the library

Educate the community about library concerns